
Advanced with QR

1import { Footnote, PageBottom, Tailwind, CSS } from "@fileforge/react-print";
2import { QRCodeSVG } from "qrcode.react";
3import { ArrowRightIcon } from "@heroicons/react/20/solid";
6 <CSS>
7 {`@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter:wght@400;700&display=swap');
9 @page {
10 size: a4;
11 margin: .75in .75in 1in .75in;
12 }
13 `}
14 </CSS>
15 <div className="font-[inter] text-slate-800">
16 <div className="bg-slate-100 -z-10 absolute -bottom-[1in] -right-[.75in] -left-[.75in] rounded-t-[.75in] h-[20vh]"></div>
17 <PageBottom>
18 <div className="text-xs text-slate-400 border-t border-t-slate-300 py-4 mt-4 flex border-b border-b-slate-300">
19 <div>Invoice #1234</div>
20 <div className="flex-grow" />
21 <div>
22 Powered by{" "}
23 <a
24 href="https://kubefinance.com"
25 target="_blank"
26 className="underline underline-offset-2 "
27 >
28 Kube
29 </a>
30 </div>
31 </div>
32 </PageBottom>
33 <div className="flex items-start">
34 <div>
35 <svg
36 version="1.1"
37 id="Layer_1"
38 xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
39 x="0px"
40 y="0px"
41 viewBox="0 0 24 24"
42 className="w-16 mb-12 fill-slate-800"
43 >
44 <g>
45 <path
46 d="M22.45,12.12c0-2.91-0.99-5.33-3.03-7.34C17.42,2.76,14.96,1.74,12,1.74c-2.93,0-5.4,1.02-7.43,3.05
47 C2.56,6.8,1.55,9.26,1.55,12.15c0,0.84,0.11,1.63,0.27,2.37l9.71-7.65h5.01v14.58c1.06-0.5,2.03-1.13,2.91-1.99
48 C21.46,17.45,22.45,15.01,22.45,12.12z"
49 />
50 <path d="M4.91,19.78c1.4,1.26,3.03,2.12,4.9,2.48v-6.32L4.91,19.78z" />
51 </g>
52 </svg>
53 <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold">Invoice #10928</h1>
54 <p className="text-slate-400 mb-8 pt-1">
55 February 1<sup>st</sup>, 2024
56 </p>
57 </div>
58 <div className="flex-grow" />
59 <div className="bg-[#5a2489] shadow-xl ring-white ring-4 shadow-[#5a2489]/20 text-white p-1 rounded-[0.625rem] w-1/2">
60 <div className="flex items-center text-xs text-white">
61 <img
62 className="ml-2 h-4 m-1 mb-2"
63 src="https://framerusercontent.com/images/c65IbugacMOpovnRr8ETn6Pm7Sk.png"
64 />
65 </div>
66 <div className="flex bg-white rounded-md text-slate-800 items-stretch">
67 <div className="flex-grow flex flex-col p-3 pt-2">
68 <div className="text-sm text-[#5a2489] flex items-center">
69 Pay online
70 <ArrowRightIcon className="h-4 fill-current ml-1" />
71 </div>
72 <div className="basis-0 flex-grow" />
73 <div className="text-2xl font-mono font-bold pb-2">
74 $1,035.00
75 <Footnote style={{ footnoteDisplay: "inline" }}>
76 This payment may be installed in 3 monthly payments of $345.00.
77 For more client information, check out{" "}
78 <a
79 href="https://www.kubefinance.com/"
80 target="_blank"
81 className="underline"
82 >
83 www.kubefinance.com/#faq
84 </a>
85 .
86 </Footnote>
87 </div>
88 <div className="text-xs text-slate-400 border-t border-t-slate-200 pt-2">
89 Due by March 1<sup>st</sup>, 2024
90 </div>
91 </div>
92 <div>
93 <div className="p-2 bg-white rounded-md">
94 <QRCodeSVG
95 className="h-32 rounded-sm overflow-hidden"
96 value="https://www.kubefinance.com/"
97 size={128}
98 bgColor="white"
99 fgColor="#5a2489"
100 />
101 </div>
102 </div>
103 </div>
104 </div>
105 </div>
106 <div className="p-6 rounded-xl mt-6 -mx-6">
107 <h2 className="mb-2 text-xs font-bold text-slate-500 uppercase">Payee</h2>
108 <div className="flex">
109 <div className="basis-0 flex-grow gap-4">
110 <h2 className="font-bold">Acme Inc.</h2>
111 1234 Main St.
112 <br />
113 Springfield, IL 62701
114 </div>
115 <div className="basis-0 flex-grow">
116 (000) 123-4567
117 <br />
118 billing@acme.com
119 <br />
120 acme.com
121 </div>
122 </div>
123 </div>
124 <div className="p-6 bg-slate-100 rounded-xl -mx-6 mb-6">
125 <div className="flex">
126 <div className="basis-0 flex-grow gap-4">
127 <h2 className="mb-2 text-xs font-bold text-slate-500 uppercase">
128 Payor
129 </h2>
130 <h2 className="font-bold">Acme Inc.</h2>
131 1234 Main St.
132 <br />
133 Springfield, IL 62701
134 </div>
135 <div className="basis-0 flex-grow">
136 <h2 className="mb-2 text-xs font-bold text-slate-500 uppercase">
137 Invoice details
138 </h2>
139 <b>$1,234.00</b>
140 <br />
141 Due by March 1<sup>st</sup>, 2024
142 <Footnote style={{ footnoteDisplay: "inline" }}>
143 Late payments are subject to a 5% fee, compounding monthly.
144 </Footnote>
145 <br />
146 Terms: Net 30
147 </div>
148 </div>
149 </div>
150 <h2 className="mb-2 text-xs font-bold text-slate-500 uppercase">Details</h2>
151 <table className="w-full my-2 border-collapse">
152 <tr className="border-b font-bold text-slate-500">
153 <th className="text-left py-3">Item</th>
154 <th className="text-left py-3">Quantity</th>
155 <th className="text-right py-3">Price</th>
156 <th className="text-right py-3">Total</th>
157 </tr>
158 <tr className="border-b">
159 <td className="text-left py-3">Magic</td>
160 <td className="text-left py-3">2</td>
161 <td className="text-right py-3">$456.00</td>
162 <td className="text-right py-3">$912.00</td>
163 </tr>
164 <tr className="border-b">
165 <td className="text-left py-3">Widget</td>
166 <td className="text-left py-3">1</td>
167 <td className="text-right py-3">$123.00</td>
168 <td className="text-right py-3">$123.00</td>
169 </tr>
170 <tr className="py-2">
171 <td />
172 <td />
173 <td />
174 <td className="text-right py-3">
175 <b>$1,035.00</b>
176 </td>
177 </tr>
178 </table>
179 </div>